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Designer Outlet Croatia


Designer Outlet Croatia is a joint venture of INGKA Centres, MUTSCHLER Outlet Holding Group and ROS Retail Outlet Shopping.

ROS Retail Outlet Shopping, with headquarters in Vienna, was established in 2011 and it is specialised for designer outlets and other innovative outlet retails. It manages the Designer Outlet Croatia Centre. Thomas Reichenauer and Gerhard Graf, ROS founders, have more than 20 years of experience in outlet management all around Europe. ROS Retail Outlet Shopping is responsible for all the project phases, from finding of a location through its development in all the aspects of management to the rental, marketing, retail and finances.

IKEA Centres is the IKEA Group central global trading company. Cooperating with IKEA Department Stores they have been creating inspiring gathering places intended to a large number of persons and tailored for all family members IKEA Centres Company currently runs business in 15 different countries comprising the total of 40 shopping malls, 25 retail facilities and 21 planned projects.

The MUTSCHLER Group, with central offices in Ulm and Zürich, has been developing high-quality trading facilities in Germany, Switzerland and USA. The Company services, that are in a family ownership, comprise all the project development phases, from acquisition of the construction lot and planning to obtaining of permits and financing.

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