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VIP Club Loyalty Programme Rules

VIP Club Loyalty Programme is subject to following conditions:
1. VIP Club Loyalty Programme does not issue any cards.
2. VIP Club Loyalty Programme Members’ advantages are: birthday discounts, newsletters, discounts for buying products and services in our Shopping Centre.
3. VIP Club Loyalty Programme does not oblige its members to any purchase. VIP Club Loyalty Programme Members will be informed how to use promotional offers by e-mail and/or newsletters.
4. All VIP Club Loyalty Programme Members are exclusively major natural persons who are at least 18 years old.
5. VIP Club Loyalty Programme can be used in the Designer Outlet Croatia d.o.o. (further on: Designer Outlet) business centre only.
6. VIP Club Loyalty Programme cannot be transferred to other persons.
7. Designer Outlet Croatia d.o.o. keeps right to cancel VIP Club Loyalty Programme (with a 14-day termination notice) or to amend or supplement VIP Club Loyalty Programme conditions that can be seen at www.designeroutletcroatia.com.
8. Designer Outlet Croatia d.o.o. has right to suspend or close any VIP Club Loyalty Programme User Account at its own discretion when it suspects any unauthorised use or misuse of services. Designer Outlet Croatia d.o.o. has right to close a VIP Club Loyalty Programme User Account and delete a User’s personal data if the User has not been active longer than three years.
9. If a User likes to cancel its membership at any moment, he/she has to contact us by e-mail to info@designeroutletcroatia.com or mail us to Designer Outlet Croatia, Alfreda Nobila 4, Sop, 10 361 Sesvete- Kraljevac.

VIP Club Loyalty Programme – Data protection and usage
Designer Outlet Croatia d.o.o. is the data controller of your personal data and you may contact us by e-mail to info@designeroutletcroatia.com or mail us to Designer Outlet Croatia, Alfreda Nobila 4, Sop, 10 361 Sesvete- Kraljevac.
A personal data officer is a member of our team and you can contact him at any moment by e-mail to info@designeroutletcroatia.com or mail him to Designer Outlet Croatia, Alfreda Nobila 4, Sop, 10 361 Sesvete- Kraljevac.
We process your personal data on the basis of you VIP Club Loyalty Programme membership to offer you all possible benefits provided by VIP Club Loyalty Programme comprising offers for all of our products and services, newsletters, tools, applications, events, promotions and prize contests. We are going to send you data on all benefits you can use as a VIP Club Loyalty Programme member by e-mail, i.e. newsletter just to let you know which advantages of VIP Club Loyalty Programme are at your disposal. We will inform our members on products, services, prize contests and other current benefits they can obtain as VIP Club Loyalty Programme members. If you give us your consent putting a tick mark into the empty check box, we will use your personal data to analyse our members’ satisfaction, undertake surveys for improvement of our business activities and satisfaction of our members and to offer you all of our products and services together with those about which you are going to receive information on benefits provided by VIP Club Loyalty Programme. Designer Outlet Croatia d.o.o. uses your personal data to provide you with membership benefits and to include you into VIP Club Loyalty Programme Membership. Unless your give us your consent for the membership in our VIP Club Loyalty Programme, you will not become a member of our VIP Club Loyalty Programme and you will not be able to obtain benefits we offer to our members such as participation in prize contests and other promotional offers.
Designer Outlet Croatia d.o.o. uses data from the APPLICATION FORM such as the first name, family name and address, and whether you have given your consent for participation in the prize contest to enable you to participate in the prize contest and to exercise rights and obligations arising from the prize contest. Application Form Data (e-mail) will be also used to inform you on any future prize contest you can participate when you give your consent for it.
If you give us you consent to participate in the prize contest at the occasion of opening of the Designer Outlet, we will use all the data from the Application Form for the purpose of that prize contest only.
The legal basis for your personal data processing comes out from the consent you have given us to use benefits provided by your VIP Club Loyalty Programme Membership. Your personal data will be processed exclusively with the above stated purpose, unless it is indispensable to respect legal obligations (for example submission of data to courts of justice or criminal prosecution authorities), and only when you have agreed with any appropriate data processing or if such data processing is legal in any other way on the basis of any binding rules and regulations. If data are being processes for any other purpose, we will inform you on such a purpose prior to the processing itself including all the other relevant information.
You are not obliged to give your consent for receipt of any information on our products and services or about our surveys. Unless you like to give us your consent, you will not receive information on our products and services, but only on benefits arising from VIP Club Loyalty Programme Membership, and we will not contact you due to any polls or surveys. We will send you only offers for our products and services bound to benefits provided by VIP Club Loyalty Programme as well as information on VIP Club Loyalty Programme Membership. You are not obliged to give us your consent for participation in the prize contest on the occasion of opening of the Designer Outlet Centre and unless you give us the stated consent, you will not participate in the prize contest.
Your personal data can be accessed by ROS Croatia Management d.o.o., Ulica Alfreda Nobela 4, Sop, 10361 Sesvete- Kraljevec, ROS- Retail Outlet Shopping GMBH, Mariahilferstrasse 136, Vienna, Austria and Combis d.o.o., Hektorovićeva 2, Zagreb.
Our consultants that help our IT support services for the above stated systems and that helps us in personal data processing in the above stated systems can have access to your personal data as well. Your personal data might also be revealed to some authorised third parties if required or permitted by obligatory rules and regulations (for example governmental bodies, courts of justice, external counsellors or some other third parties considered to be public authorities).
​​​​​​We will process collected data for the above stated purposes as long as it is necessary for above sated purposes and as long as you do not suspend your consent and/or you stop to be our member. If any court, out-of-court or administrative proceedings have been initialled, personal data can be retained by the end of such proceedings including a possible remedy exercising period.
Designer Outlet Croatia d.o.o. warrants that it will safeguard and protect all the data collected from its users.
We will retain and access information on your recent visit to our web site and on the way you have used various parts of our web site with analytical aims, i.e. to understand the way our users use our web site. The First-Party Cookie Tool (Google Analytics) helps us to do that.
Designer Outlet Croatia d.o.o. is free to use and share data and information regarding our web site visitor groups without any individual identifications to understand better behaviour of our visitors and to find ways to improve our user services.

VIP Club Loyalty Programme – Benefits
1. Every VIP Club Loyalty Programme Member has right to additional 10 % discount for his/her birthday as well as additional discounts for promotional activities organised by the Designer Outlet for VIP Club Loyalty Programme Members (VIP weeks, VIP Presale). A VIP Club Loyalty Programme Member (who has shared his/her date of birth) can use his/her birthday discount during one month counting from the receipt of the notice and those members who have not shared their dates of birth shall contact us one month before their birthdays to receive the notice on the possibility to use discounts that has to be used within a month period from the date of sending the notification.
2. Every VIP Club Loyalty Programme Member can exercise right to additional sale and promotional activities, for example in restaurants, shops and other facilities within the Designer Outlet.
3. Only VIP Club Loyalty Programme Members exercise right to participate in prize contests.
4. In addition to above stated benefits, every VIP Club Loyalty Programme Member can exercise right to use other current benefits.
5. Every VIP Club Loyalty Programme Member will be informed on the above stated benefits by e-mail or newsletter.

You have the following rights:
Right to access: you have right to receive our confirmation informing you whether your personal data are being processed or not and if such data are being processed, you have right to access them. The access data comprises, and they are not limited to, processing purposes, categories of personal data in question, receivers or receiver categories to which personal data have been revealed. Nevertheless, the right to access is not unconditional and interests of other individuals can limit your right to access.
You have right to receive a copy of personal data that are being processed. For any other copy you have been asking for we can invoice you a reasonable compensation on the basis of administrative costs.
Right to correction: You have to pursue us to correct your incorrect personal data. Taking into consideration processing purposes, you have right to supplement insufficient data, including also giving an additional statement.
Right to erasure ("right to be forgotten"): Under certain circumstances you have right to pursue us to erase your personal data and we can be obliged to erase such personal data.
Right to limit data processing: Under certain circumstances you have right to pursue us to limit processing of your personal data. In such a case corresponding data will be marked and processed only for certain purposes.
Right to object: Under certain circumstances you have right to object your personal data processing at any moment due to reasons referring to your current situation or when personal data are being processed with the aim of direct marketing and you can require us to stop processing your personal data.
Right to data portability: Under certain circumstances you have right to receive personal data referring to you that you have given us in a structured, usually usable and machine-readable format and you have right to transfer those data to any other controller without our interference.
If you like to know more or you like to use any or several of the above stated rights, please do not hesitate to contact Designer Outlet Croatia d.o.o. by e-mail to info@designeroutletcroatia.com or to mail us to the address Designer Outlet Croatia, Alfreda Nobila 4, Sop, 10 361 Sesvete- Kraljevac or read Rules on Exercising Rights at this link.
​​​​​​If you consider your rights are being infringed, you can submit a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Agency.

Amendments of the VIP Club Loyalty Programme Rules
We keep right to amend or supplement the above stated Rules at any moment. All amendments and/or supplements will be announced at our web site and you can also receive them by e-mail info@designeroutletcroatia.com or take them at Info Centre.